Qué es lo que Sientes con 2,654 Mariposas?

What is it that you feel with 2,654? (2018)


Qué es lo que sientes cuando tu corazón late por un llanto que quiere libertad y amor familiar?

What do you feel when your heart beats for a cry which wants liberty and familiar love?

There are barriers and there are restrictions set on

“The Human Dream for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

The Zero Tolerance Policy implemented this past year has separated 2,654 children.

Most of them have reunited, yet some are still separated from their families.

Why have we come to this to start with?

Where do we go from here?

We are thought to learn from history,

But what have we learned so far as human beings,

Since history keeps re-manifesting itself in different forms and contents?